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Will Firebase analytics combine the data for an iOS and an android version of the same app? If not, can I make it do so?

I'm looking into Firebase Analytics for an app that will have an iOS version and an Android version. These would be attached to the same Firebase Project, but would I be able to view Analytics reporting for the two combined? From research it looks like you would have to view the analytics for the apps separately and then stitch them together yourself if you want the full picture.

Also, there is a limit of 100 active sessions if using the free version with Firebase hosting the apps - can I assume there are no limits if you're hosting the app yourself?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

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Thristion Avatar asked Feb 08 '17 15:02


People also ask

Can two apps use the same Firebase database?

Yes, it is! a single firebase database can be access by multiple app.. provided each of your apps use the same authentication details.

Can a Firebase project have multiple apps?

A Firebase project can have one or more Firebase Apps registered to it (for example, both the iOS and Android versions of an app, or both the free and paid versions of an app).

What is the difference between Google Analytics and Firebase Analytics?

Firebase, we see that they have the same data model — one that depicts user interactions as events. That's why both platforms also share the same implementation process — the only difference between Firebase Analytics and Google Analytics in this regard lies in where you first set up your Android and iOS data streams.

1 Answers

Important edit: Starting in June 2018, Google Analytics for Firebase now shows your combined project-level analytics by default. Meaning that you will now see all of your data for your iOS and Android apps combined in the same report, and if you're interested in viewing data for a specific platform, you can then just filter for that in your reports.

Regarding your second question, that "100 simultaneous connection limit for free projects" is only for simultaneous connections to the Realtime Database. You can have as many instances of your app talking to Firebase Analytics as you'd like.

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Todd Kerpelman Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 22:09

Todd Kerpelman