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Will Distribute be outdated when new packaging comes with Python 3.3?

Python 3.3 will come with a new packaging tool called "packaging":

The new "packaging" module, building upon the "distribute" and "distutils2" projects and deprecating "distutils"

Does this mean that Distribute will be outdated with Python 3.3?

like image 628
deamon Avatar asked May 09 '12 21:05


People also ask

What is distribution package Python?

Distribution Package. A versioned archive file that contains Python packages, modules, and other resource files that are used to distribute a Release. The archive file is what an end-user will download from the internet and install.

How do I create a 2022 Python package?

In order to create a Python package, you need to write the code that implements the functionality you want to put in your package, and then you need to publish it to PyPI. That is the bare minimum.

How do you distribute a project in Python?

Use PyInstaller, py2exe, Nuitka, or another bundling solution. The most convenient way to deliver a Python application to a user is to provide them with an executable—either a single file or a directory with an easily identified executable somewhere in it.

1 Answers

The 3.3 release notes are a bit misleading: packaging is distutils2, and it does not build upon distribute but imitates some features, but with different behavior or specification, especially for the parts that have been standardized with PEP 376, 386 and 345, and with very different code and usage.

For end users, in a way distutils2/packaging don’t make distribute outdated, as distribute still provides unique features, but from another viewpoint it is obsoleted, as it does not support the current PEPs and is not officially supported (i.e. in the stdlib).

Regarding the various packaging projects, I think the distribute devs plan to support the new PEPs, and I don’t know about setuptools. pip and buildout will use distutils2 instead of distribute as underlying library in the longer term.

like image 150
merwok Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09
