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Will C# compiler strip out empty methods?




I put a debug print codes everywhere when I am fixing codes, when I am done with it I did not remove them but put a comment so that when the bug occurs around here next I would be able to uncomment it and get it to print out data.

(I can't get used to breakpoint debugging and inspecting variables, and I found putting debug print I can get the timing that I want the message to appear better.)

If possible I would like to be able to switch the debug code on and off more easily but since they are all spread out, commenting/uncommenting is a pain. Putting #if preprocessor should work but a one line debug print becomes 3 lines #if Debug #endif everywhere.

So I have an idea to wrap the debug method with my own, and inside it is just #if check before the actual debug method. My question is when the #if directive is false the function becomes empty, will the compiled code still jumps to this empty function? I am worried especially if this empty method is in a core game loop and being called multiple thousand times per seconds.

Also if it really get stripped out, I wonder if the parameter data remains in the program? For example if I write MyDebug("Encryption key : " + key); will that string remains in the code if the method is empty?

like image 231
5argon Avatar asked Jan 03 '23 16:01


1 Answers

The compiler won't strip out empty methods because it has no way of knowing that they won't be called (even if they are private - due to reflection).

However you can use ConditionalAttribute to do this the same way as .Net does for Debug.WriteLine() etc:

public static void MyDebugOnlyMethod()

This will cause the compiler to omit from the compiled code that method and all calls to it, unless the "DEBUG" conditional symbol is defined at compile time.

This is a bit more readable than using #if DEBUG ... #endif

Also note that you don't have to use "DEBUG" - you can use any other string that you want, but you would than have to define it when needed using #define or by setting a conditional compilation symbol in the project settings.

like image 77
Matthew Watson Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 16:01

Matthew Watson