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Will apple accept my app, even though it is more informational? [closed]




I am wondering if apple will accept my app. It is a fishing app that has a map giving you your current location, and 4 other tabs that contain words and images (bait shops, boat ramps, etc). Lastly, it has a button that takes you to a website that gives you current weather, wind, and wave heights. Will apple consider this too "simple". If so can someone please let me know what to change/do to make it better or acceptable!

like image 208
jake drake Avatar asked Nov 03 '22 20:11

jake drake

1 Answers

Note: Everything I am about to say is just my opinion. I'm not affiliated with Apple's review team, and don't have inside knowledge. These are just my predictions.

From what I understand, your app performs the following functions:

  • Map with current location
  • Various fishing-related information
  • In-app website with fishing-related information

Which means you take advantage of:

  • MapKit
  • Core Location
  • Probably a scroll view
  • Images and text
  • UIWebViews

Also, your app provides useful information - a huge thing.

In my experience, this type of app should be accepted based on the technologies it uses and the functionality (I assume) it provides.

like image 176
Undo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
