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Will any programs detect a buffer overflow within a C/C++ structure?

Consider the following program:

struct abc
    int x[5];
    int y[5];

int main()
    struct abc test;
    test.y[0] = 10;
    printf("%d", test.x[5]);

(borrowed from Is it legal to overrun one element of a struct to view another?)

BoundsChecker does not detect this as an overflow. Are there any programs that will detect this type of programming error?

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user265445 Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 03:02


1 Answers

clang does, even with no special flags turned on:

$ clang example.c -o example
example.c:13:18: warning: array index of '5' indexes past the end of an array
      (that contains 5 elements) [-Warray-bounds]
    printf("%d", test.x[5]);
                 ^      ~
example.c:5:5: note: array 'x' declared here
    int x[5];
1 warning generated.

The same warning is printed when compiling as C++.

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Carl Norum Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 16:02

Carl Norum