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Wildfly flush cache of security-domain

Im have a war project with JAX-RS interface deployed on wildfly and there is a security-domain configured, which loads user password and role from db. The security-domain uses cache-type=default. Updates of authenticated users are not recognized by the security-domain, because the old data are cached. I verified this with the jboss-cli.sh. So how can I remove a specific user from the cache? I want to do this within the deployed application and not via jboss-cli.sh.

like image 758
Helmosch Avatar asked Sep 03 '15 21:09


2 Answers

Your issue may be related to a bug in WildFly: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-3221.

There is a workaround to explicitly flush the authentication cache:

public class SessionInvalidationListener implements HttpSessionListener {

    private Principal principal;

    @Resource(name = "java:jboss/jaas/mydomain/authenticationMgr")
    private CacheableManager<?, Principal> authenticationManager;

    public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) {
        // not used

    public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) {

I've tested this approach in a slightly different use case. The interesting bit is accessing the authenticationManager - it should be easy to adapt that to your situation.

The bug should be fixed in WildFly 9.x (I didn't check).

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Harald Wellmann Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09

Harald Wellmann

In Wildfly 10 using Domain Mode you can clear cache for security domains very easily by using jboss-cli on the following way:

First connect to Domain Controller by using

./jboss-cli.sh --connect controller={domainhost}:9990 --user={username} --password={password}

Then execute command


If security domain is defined like this:

<security-domain name="ldap-test" cache-type="default">

command will look like this:


The similar solution should work for Standalone Mode.

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Aleksandar Brankovic Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09

Aleksandar Brankovic