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Wildcard search doesn't work in Kibana

I have a field "Alert" that contains a long string containing spaces, numbers, and special characters. I have this field set to "not_analyzed". Using the Wildcard query I can issue a query as follows and get the results I want.

POST /test-index-snort2/type-snort/_search
  "query": {
    "wildcard": {
      "Alert": {
        "value": "ET CNC*"

I'd like to use Kibana to implement a similar search. Doing so however returns no results. My query in Kibana appears as follows:

Alert:"ET CNC*"

Which in turn creates a query_string query like so:

"query": {
    "filtered": {
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "should": [
              "query_string": {
                "query": "Alert:\"ET CNC*\""
      "filter": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
              "match_all": {}

Is there a way to get the same results in Kibana via the query_string query that I do with using the wildcard query?

Here is the mapping for the Alert field and a sample of the entries:

"Alert": {
        "type": "string",
        "index": "not_analyzed"

"Alert": "ET CNC Palevo Tracker Reported CnC Server TCP group 9 ",
"Alert": "ET CNC Palevo Tracker Reported CnC Server TCP group 10 ",
"Alert": "ET CNC Zeus Tracker Reported CnC Server TCP group 3 ",
like image 401
Sgt B Avatar asked Mar 28 '14 16:03

Sgt B

1 Answers

Thanks to polyfractal over in #elasticsearch, I have an answer. By default query_string will lowercase wildcard input. This can be disabled through the lowercase_expanded_terms=false setting. However, there's no way to set this in Kibana.

polyfractal recommended that I create an analyzer to lowercase this content. This will allow me utilize the query_string with wildcards with the limitation that the field value will appear in lowercase in facet results, but the _source will retain the original formatting. For me, this works well and is the solution I'm moving forward with.

Except from IRC:

<polyfractal> id set up the analyzer like this:  tokenizer:keyword, filters: [lowercase]
<polyfractal> that'll basically give you a lowercased `not_analyzed` field.  may also want to disable norms, since you prolly dont need them either
like image 194
Sgt B Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 04:10

Sgt B