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Wifi Triangulation

What would be the best way to triangulate a wireless network passively. Are there tools available? Algorithms? Libraries?

My goal would be to create a relative map of various objects that sends or receive signals using signal strength (DB's), signal/noise ratio, signal phase, etc. from a few location points. With enough sampling, i'm guessing it would be possible to create a good 2d/3d map.

I'm searching for stuff in any language / platform.

Some keywords: wi-fi site survey, visualization, coverage, location, positioning

Thinking about using kismet to gather the data and then process it. Maybe Free Space Path Loss for RF in the 2.4Ghz range to calculate a relative distance. And optionally try to use RF obstacle attenuation estimation values (based on some user input) to give better estimates. Then use trilateration to generate possible relative coordinates.

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Loki Avatar asked Jun 17 '09 21:06


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1 Answers

You can't use the GPS technique because the timing is nothing like accurate enough. The best you can do is Trilateration based on the signal strength from each base station and assume that range is proportional to signal.
You will probably need to force a connection to each base station in turn in order to measure the signal strength.

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Martin Beckett Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Martin Beckett