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Wicket - Reusable panels with java inheritance

  1. I have following java classes:

    enter image description here

  2. I have a two form components which are mapped to Type1Task and Type2Task with a CompoundPropertyModel:

enter image description here

Problem: Duplicate Code. I want the D and E Fields to map to a task, not the task types. Is there any way to make this reusable when I hava java inheritance?

If yes, can u provide me with tutorials or references?

Additional info: The task can contain a timer(thread). If you click on submit button the timer will be started.

Thank you!

like image 892
David Sonnenfeld Avatar asked Jan 24 '13 17:01

David Sonnenfeld

1 Answers

You can duplicate the same class hierarchy in the ui.

public class TaskFormPanel<T extends Task> extends Panel {

public TaskFormPanel(String id, IModel<T> model)
     super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel(model));
     add(new TextField("d"));
     add(new TextField("e));
     add(new Button("submit) {


public class Task1FormPanel extends TaskFormPanel<Task1> {

public TaskFormPanel(String id, IModel<Task1> model)
     super(id, model);
     add(new TextField("a"));
     add(new TextField("b));
     add(new TextField("c"));


public class Task2FormPanel extends TaskFormPanel<Task2> {

public TaskFormPanel(String id, IModel<Task1> model)
     super(id, model);
     add(new TextField("x"));
     add(new TextField("y));
     add(new TextField("z"));


And the HTML files:


   <label>d</label> <input wicket:id="d">
   <label>e</label> <input wicket:id="e">
   <input type="submit" wicket:id="submit"/>


   <label>a</label> <input wicket:id="a">
   <label>b</label> <input wicket:id="b">
   <label>c</label> <input wicket:id="c">


   <label>x</label> <input wicket:id="x">
   <label>y</label> <input wicket:id="y">
   <label>z</label> <input wicket:id="z">

Note: make sure you use some loadabledetachablemodel to wrap the task objects in if they contain a reference to a thread otherwise you will run into serialization issues. A singleton registry that stores your tasks and can return them by some random key is enough.

like image 200
cserepj Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 10:11
