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Wicket, how to lazy-load DropDown choices on click?

I have a lot of DropDownChoice components with many items in a form, and on loading the form, I'd like to display only the saved selected options. When the user clicks on a DropDownChoice, I'd like to ajax-load the full item list on the fly.

Can this be done?

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Per Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 02:11


1 Answers

Add a OnChangeAjaxBehavior to your dropdown-component. Override the onUpdate-method and add another component to the target. The chosen value of the dropdown-component is inside its model.

Update: Okey, I think I know what you're trying to achieve. Add an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior to your dropdown component with "onclick" as constructor parameter. Override the onUpdate-method and add your dropdown component to the target. Before you do that, update the dropdown model, so that it now contains all values.

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rotsch Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11
