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Why would you ever make operator `new` private?

I'm using OpenSplice DDS, and there, almost all C++ classes (basic ones that I used, I can mention them if that matters) have overloaded new operators to be private (to prevent users from using them). I don't understand, why would anyone do that? Could someone provide some examples that show the necessity of this?

Why I need new: Because most of these classes don't have default constructors, and I need to initialize them later in my implementation through a unique_ptr.

Easy trick: On the other hand... I can very easily trick this! I can just wrap this class with another class, and use new all I want, right? Hence I don't understand the motivation and it feels like bad style. Could someone explain?


Just to clarify: Providing a good example where this can't be escaped is a good answer. It'll be helpful for all people who see new operators made private.

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The Quantum Physicist Avatar asked Feb 02 '17 09:02

The Quantum Physicist

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1 Answers

Lots of embedded C++ need to guarantee that NO dynamic allocations are done once the system is started. The aeronautics, automotive and medical device industry often have this requirement. See the following links for such coding standards and the rational behind it:

  • http://www.stroustrup.com/JSF-AV-rules.pdf
  • http://www.qa-systems.com/tools/qa-misra/
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Bruno Martin Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10

Bruno Martin