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Why would one want to use Express instead of AngularJS?

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Why do people use ExpressJS?

It is used for designing and building web applications quickly and easily. Web applications are web apps that you can run on a web browser. Since Express. js only requires javascript, it becomes easier for programmers and developers to build web applications and API without any effort.

What is an advantage of using Express?

Easy to configure and customize. Allows you to define routes of your application based on HTTP methods and URLs. Includes various middleware modules which you can use to perform additional tasks on request and response. Easy to integrate with different template engines like Jade, Vash, EJS etc.

Is angular better than Express?

You should go with Angular, if;You want to leverage HTML, CSS, and Javascript to develop web applications. You need an application with multiple events and personalized features.

Should I use Express with angular?

Express and AngularJS do not mutually exclude one another, they serve different purpose - in fact it's perfectly fine to use both - express for all your serverside logic, and Angular for client side logic.

There are things which should be done server side (i.e. Express, not Angular), most notably user input validation - Angular, as it's client side, can be tampered.

Also, if you'll ever want to offer access type other than web app (i.e. mobile app), you'll probably need an API anyway - Express can do this, Angular don't.

Finally, database access - usually Angular app will need to connect to some kind of backend to perform CRUD operations. You'll either go with hosted DB like Firebase, or you'll end up using your own database. Latter scenario is more popular and you'll need Express (or similar) for that.

Express and AngularJS do not mutually exclude one another, they serve different purpose - in fact it's perfectly fine to use both - express for all your serverside logic, and Angular for client side logic.

Express can be used to host the APIs for AngularJS's service/factory to consume. You can consider AngularJS as MVC and the API on Express as SOA.

There is lot of stuff that one wants to control from server. And that is the place where the server side frameworks come into picture.

An web app is not just some html pages linked together. There are lot of other things that needs to be implemented

  • Model validation.
  • Keeping model consistent. Remember multiple users can access the same model at any give time and even change it.
  • Controlling resource access.
  • Triggering workflows.
  • Business Logic.

and other such thing require a server framework. So as mentioned earlier the client side frameworks like AngularJS complement server side frameworks.