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Why would a developer use Silverlight?



I know virtually nothing about Silverlight. I'm considering creating a browser based app and really don't know if it should be built using Silverlight or ASP.NET (which I am familiar with). I'm curious as to the reasons why a developer chooses to use Silverlight.

Thanks very much.

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Randy Minder Avatar asked Feb 20 '10 23:02

Randy Minder

People also ask

Why is Silverlight used?

About Silverlight Microsoft Silverlight is a free web-browser plug-in that enables interactive media experiences, rich business applications and immersive mobile apps.

Why is Microsoft Silverlight required for Netflix?

It's because your current browser version is out of date and uses the Microsoft Silverlight plug-in to play Netflix. Microsoft no longer supports this plug-in. To keep watching Netflix, you'll need to update your browser to a version that supports HTML5: Microsoft Edge.

Does anything still use Silverlight?

Microsoft Silverlight will reach the end of support on October 12, 2021. Silverlight development framework is currently only supported on Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11, with support for Internet Explorer 10 ending on January 31, 2020.

Is Microsoft Silverlight necessary?

As under 0.1% of sites use Silverlight, you're unlikely to come across any pages that require you to use it.

1 Answers

There are a few reasons you may want to consider using Silverlight:

  • You have a need for great looking and interactive web applications (that are not Ajax, jQuery, etc.).
  • You want to utilize your current programming language (VB.NET, C#, etc) skills.
  • You want your "web app" to be available out-of-the browser.

There are other reasons - have a read: Top 10 Reasons to Use Silverlight. There can be a signifcant ramp you would need to make, but once made, you may prefer SL for certain things over ASP.NET and even in some cases, not really have option available to you in ASP.NET, like, for example, perspective transforms of images that can be animated from user interactively.

like image 136
Todd Main Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Todd Main