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Why won't my site load from one computer, but it will another?



Pretty vague title, but basically I can only get "my site" to load from one computer. I've purchased hosting and a domain name, set it all up, and there's nothing there yet, but the default directory browser thing shows up when I go to the url on my work computer, but from my home computer and a virtual machine it doesn't... what should I look at to troubleshoot? Everything else works fine from home, so I wouldn't think it would be a router issue or anything like that.


UPDATE: It works from my work computer, and a friend of mine's computer at her house, but not on my PC or laptop... I've tried rebooting, unplugging cable modem and router and plugging them back in, dnsflush, turning windows firewall off, and everything i can think of... i don't have any idea what to do now

UPDATE: This is interesting... when I tracert from my computer it stops and gives Request Time Out one hop before getting to the actual web server. When I do the tracert using dnsstuff.com, it makes the hop just fine and shows the web server on there... I don't get it.

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Max Schmeling Avatar asked Oct 07 '09 02:10

Max Schmeling

People also ask

Why does website load on one computer but not another?

If the website doesn't load elsewhere, the website or its network are likely having trouble handling connections. If you can, try to load the website on another device connected to the same network (such as your Wi-Fi network), as well as one that's not connected to your network (such as over mobile data).

Why won't some sites load on my computer?

If some sites work and one doesn't, it probably isn't your internet connection. If you have problems with other sites, you might need to reboot your modem and/or router, as any hiccups there can bring down your entire browsing session.

Why can I load some websites but not others?

You are having issues with your network connection. Your Internet service provider might have blocked access to specific websites, e.g., YouTube, Blogger, or maybe a personal domain. Your Windows Firewall is blocking access to a particular website. Your browser is loading the webpage from its internal cache.

1 Answers

Check out: http://www.dnsstuff.com/; you may also try ipconfig /flushdns.

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Noon Silk Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 07:10

Noon Silk