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why window[id] === document.getElementById( id ) [duplicate]



I've noticed in several browsers, dom elements can be accessed simply by their id like this:


<div id="chocolat"></div>


alert(chocolat.id); //alerts "chocolat
chocolat; //points to the node
window.chocolat; //idem
chocolat === document.getElementById('chocolat'); // true

( test here: http://jsfiddle.net/GUUPT/ ) This will work on some versions of IE, on Chrome, but it won't on Firefox(5).

I'm curious where does this come from ? is it in the standards?

like image 765
BiAiB Avatar asked Aug 09 '11 09:08


1 Answers

  • It is non-standard
  • It was started by Internet Explorer (version 4 IIRC)
  • IIRC it only works in Quirks mode if you are using the latest version of IE
like image 101
Quentin Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10
