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Why was the ampersand chosen as the symbol for references in C++? [closed]

Does anyone have an idea why the ampersand was chosen as the way to denote references in C++?

AFAIK (though I don't have the book near me), Stroustroup didn't explain that choice, which I find a little odd because the same symbol was already used for address-of in C.

like image 693
Uri Avatar asked Mar 21 '09 22:03


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1 Answers

In addition to Earwicker's response which I generally agree with. I would also speculate that since & is the "address-of" operator, it is somewhat fitting. Since a reference in many ways is like passing by address instead of by value.

In addition to that, taking the address of a variable is often referred to as "referencing"

(Yes I know that references don't have to be implemented using pointers under the hood, I am referring to the way they conceptually work).

This is just speculation though.

like image 171
Evan Teran Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09

Evan Teran