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Why was PyPI called the cheese shop?




I was running through the tutorials to build a Python distro package yesterday and the PyPI site kept on being calling the Cheese Shop. Why is that?

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MattoTodd Avatar asked Mar 22 '11 15:03


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PyPI used to be called a cheeseshop, in reference to a Monty Python sketch (where the cheeseshop has no cheese). The joke was that PyPI was initially like that - it had nothing in it back then. Based off that, wheel is a reference to wheels of cheese.

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1 Answers

Following the fact that the name of the Python language is taken from the Monty Python comedy group, it's a reference to the "Cheese Shop" sketch they did.

In the sketch, a customer becomes frustrated because the cheese shop apparently does not have very many kinds of cheese available. Similarly, the package index PyPI did not have many packages available originally.

There have been other prominent Python projects that have used the same approach to select names (Bicycle Repairman and Grail are the first that come to mind)

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bgporter Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10
