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Why was "complement" used as a name for the function in ramda.js

I understand the use of ramda's complement function which inverts the return of a predicate. What I can't get my head around is why "complement" was used as a name.

const invertPredicate = R.complement(R.identity)
invertPredicate(false) //true

Could someone please give some insight into this?

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robstarbuck Avatar asked Aug 02 '18 21:08


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Ramda is a practical functional library for JavaScript programmers. The library focuses on immutability and side-effect free functions. Ramda functions are also automatically curried, which allows to build up new functions from old ones simply by not supplying the final parameters.

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1 Answers

“In set theory, the complement of a set A refers to elements not in A”


So R.complement will produce a predicate for all values that don’t satisfy the provided predicate.

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Scott Christopher Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Scott Christopher