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Why user-defined move-constructor disables the implicit copy-constructor?

While I'm reading boost/shared_ptr.hpp, i saw this code:

//  generated copy constructor, destructor are fine...  #if defined( BOOST_HAS_RVALUE_REFS )  // ... except in C++0x, move disables the implicit copy  shared_ptr( shared_ptr const & r ): px( r.px ), pn( r.pn ) // never throws { }  #endif 

What does the comment "generated copy constructor, destructor are fine except in C++11, move disables the implicit copy" mean here? Shall we always write the copy ctor ourselves to prevent this situation in C++11?

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amazingjxq Avatar asked Jun 29 '12 01:06


People also ask

What does implicit move constructor do?

Implicitly-defined move constructor For non-union class types (class and struct), the move constructor performs full member-wise move of the object's bases and non-static members, in their initialization order, using direct initialization with an xvalue argument.

What is the difference between a move constructor and a copy constructor?

If any constructor is being called, it means a new object is being created in memory. So, the only difference between a copy constructor and a move constructor is whether the source object that is passed to the constructor will have its member fields copied or moved into the new object.

Why does Noexcept move a constructor?

Tagging our move constructor with "noexcept" tells the compiler that it will not throw any exceptions. This condition is checked in C++ using the type trait function: "std::is_no_throw_move_constructible". This function will tell you whether the specifier is correctly set on your move constructor.

Is implicitly-declared as deleted?

The implicitly-declared or defaulted copy assignment operator for class T is defined as deleted in any of the following is true: T has a non-static data member that is const. T has a non-static data member of a reference type.

2 Answers

I've upvoted ildjarn's answer because I found it both accurate and humorous. :-)

I'm providing an alternate answer because I'm assuming because of the title of the question that the OP might want to know why the standard says so.


C++ has implicitly generated copy members because if it didn't, it would've been still-born in 1985 because it was so incompatible with C. And in that case we wouldn't be having this conversation today because C++ wouldn't exist.

That being said, implicitly generated copy members are akin to a "deal with the devil". C++ couldn't have been born without them. But they are evil in that they silently generate incorrect code in a significant number of instances. The C++ committee isn't stupid, they know this.


Now that C++ has been born, and has evolved into a successful grownup, the committee would just love to say: we're not doing implicitly generated copy members any more. They are too dangerous. If you want an implicitly generated copy member you have to opt-in to that decision (as opposed to opt-out of it). However considering the amount of existing C++ code that would break if this was done, that would be tantamount to suicide. There is a huge backwards compatibility concern that is quite justified.

So the committee reached a compromise position: If you declare move members (which legacy C++ code can't do), then we're going to assume that the default copy members are likely to do the wrong thing. Opt-in (with =default) if you want them. Or write them yourself. Otherwise they are implicitly deleted. Our experience to-date in a world with move-only types indicates that this default position is actually quite commonly what is desired (e.g. unique_ptr, ofstream, future, etc.). And the expense of opting-in is actually quite small with = default.

Looking Forward

The committee would love to even say: If you've written a destructor, it is likely that the implicit copy members are incorrect, so we will delete them. This is the C++98/03 "rule of three". However even that would break lots of code. However the committee has said in C++11 that if you provide a user-declared destructor, the implicit generation of copy members is deprecated. That means that this feature could be removed in a future standard. And that any day now your compiler might start issuing "deprecated warnings" in this situation (the standard can not specify warnings).


So be forewarned: C++ has grown up and matured over the decades. And that means that your father's C++ may need migrating to deal with your child's C++. It is a slow, gradual process so that you don't throw up your hands and just port to another language. But it is change, even if slow.

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Howard Hinnant Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Howard Hinnant

Because the C++ standard says so – §12.8/7:

If the class definition does not explicitly declare a copy constructor, one is declared implicitly. If the class definition declares a move constructor or move assignment operator, the implicitly declared copy constructor is defined as deleted; otherwise, it is defined as defaulted. The latter case is deprecated if the class has a user-declared copy assignment operator or a user-declared destructor. Thus, for the class definition

struct X {     X(const X&, int); }; 

a copy constructor is implicitly-declared. If the user-declared constructor is later defined as

X::X(const X& x, int i =0) { /* ... */ } 

then any use of X’s copy constructor is ill-formed because of the ambiguity; no diagnostic is required.

(Emphasis mine.)

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ildjarn Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
