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Why use the `go` keyword when calling a function?



I was going through an example of a TCP server. They defined a function and called it with:

go handleRequest(conn) 

I thought it was weird seeing the go keyword, so I tried it without:


To my surprise, this worked!

  • If both work the same way, why use the go keyword at all?
  • If they work differently, what is the difference?
  • Is there a certain style guideline to use, or should you just use personal preference?
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hmatt1 Avatar asked Sep 24 '14 00:09


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What does the Go keyword do?

Concurrency is not well documented in the go spec and it is one of the most powerful features of the language, the go keyword is the starting point when you are building concurrent software and not procedural software in go.

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1 Answers

go starts a goroutine, which is managed by golang run-time.

It can either run on the current OS thread, or it can run on a different OS thread automatically.

You can refer to basic golang documents for this, for example, one item in Google search keyword goroutine is golang concurrency.

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WiSaGaN Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 11:10