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Why use object inheritance instead of mixins


What are the reasons to favour inheritance over mixins

Given the following psuedo-code example :

class Employee

class FullTimeEmployee inherits Employee

class PartTimeEmployee inherits Employee

// versus

class Employee

class WorksPartTime

class WorksFullTime

class FullTimeEmployee includes Employee, WorksFullTime
class PartTimeEmployee includes Employee, WorksPartTime

If we were to use inheritance to build objects the class relations would be seen as a tree where as with mixins the class relations would be seen as a flat list.

Assuming the language we are using

  • allows for mixins with a non-verbose syntax
  • allows us to treat FullTimeEmployee as both a Employee and FullTime object transparently.

why should we build up our class relations as trees (inheritance) instead of flat lists (composition)?

Example of tree versus list.

class Person

class Employee inherits Person

class FullTimeEmployee inherits Employee

//                      -> FullTimeEmployee
//  Person -> Employee
//                      -> PartTimeEmployee

class Person

class Employee includes Person

class FullTime

class FullTimeEmployee includes FullTime, Employee

// FullTimeEmployee = (FullTime, Employee, Person)
like image 947
Raynos Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 14:11


1 Answers

I would argue that in languages that do support mixins, it is effectively the same as using (multiple) inheritance. In both cases, the same methods/properties exist on the class/object in question, both are invoked the exact same way -- there is no practical distinction. I'm also assuming that in this hypothetical language, you can 'extend' from multiple 'classes' as well.

If this is all true, then in a way they are equivalent and the question doesn't make sense - neither is better than the other because they are functionality equivalent.

In a human-understanding sort of way, I think most people think of inheritance in terms of the isA relationship, and mixins in terms of decorating something with functionality.

If you can only inherit from one 'class', then obviously mixins are a way to sort of gain multiple inheritance.

EDIT -- based on your comments, which are good, I would say the details of the hypothetical language matter. I will admit I am basing my answer of the Sproutcore, which is a Javascript framework that has formalized support for both mixins and inheritance. In SC, you can do

App.MyObject = SC.Object.extend({
  prop: 'prop',
  func: function(){

which does what you would expect, it puts prop and func on the prototype of MyObject, creating a "class", which could have subclasses. You could also do

App.MyObject = SC.Object.extend(App.OtherObject, {
   // stuff

which does multiple inheritance. You could then have something like

CommonFunctionality = {
    // some methods


which would apply the CommonFunctionality stuff to App. If app was a namespace (i.e. a {}) the methods of CommonFunctionality would be applied to that object literal. If it made sense, you could also apply CommonFunctionality to a "class", and its methods would be on the prototype. If you look in the source, you see

SC.extend = SC.mixin ;

So in SC, there is absolutely no difference because they are the same method.

So details matter -- they didn't have to do it that way, but they did, and there are implications. If they had done it differently, then of course there would be different consequences.

like image 162
hvgotcodes Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11
