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Why use Mono? [closed]

What are the main benefits of using Mono over Java (or any other "free" or Linux-friendly language/runtime)?

Mono will always trail behind the latest developments in the .NET framework, why would you want to use Mono over another traditional open-source language/framework (Java)?

EDIT: Like someone mentioned below, I guess the root question is, why would you want to use .NET on the Linux platform?

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Andy White Avatar asked Feb 22 '09 00:02

Andy White

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What is flatMapMany?

The flatMapMany is a generic operator on Mono that returns a Publisher. Let's apply flatMapManyto our solution: private <T> Flux<T> monoTofluxUsingFlatMapMany(Mono<List<T>> monoList) { return monoList .flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable) .log(); }

What is Monoflatmap?

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1 Answers

The answer is pretty obvious: because you want to use .Net on Linux.

This of course begs the question (which I think is really what you're getting at): why would you want to use .Net on Linux (over Java)?

Lots of reasons:

  • Common code between your server and, say, a WPF or Winforms app;
  • Use of a particular .Net language, like F#;
  • Language features that aren't in Java (closures, operator overloading, partial classes, runtime generics, indexers, delegates, LINQ, var types, etc etc etc);
  • Your skills or those of your team are already in C#;
  • etc.
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cletus Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
