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Why use (function() { .... }()); [duplicate]



Possible Duplicate:
How does the (function() {})() construct work and why do people use it?

Why do the modern JavaScript files use constructs like:

(function () {
   // some real code

I.e. I understand that an anonymous function is being created and then called immediately, with no parameters passed... But why do it this way and not just call some real code? And what is the outer pair of round brackets for?

In particular I'm staring at the file js/start.js at Github:

(function() {
    "use strict";

    wooga.castle.GRID_UNIT = 48;
    wooga.castle.IMAGES_BASE_URL = "images/entities/";

    (function () {
        var style = document.createElement('div').style,
        var candidates = {
            webkit: 'webkitTransform',
            moz:    'MozTransform', // 'M' is uppercased
            ms:     'msTransform',
            o:      'oTransform',
            '':     'transform'
        for (var prefix in candidates) {
            var candidate = candidates[prefix];
            if ('undefined' !== typeof style[candidate]) {
                wooga.castle.prefix = prefix;
                wooga.castle.prefixedTransform = candidate;

    // XXX why the 2 wrapped "function"s here? XXX

    wooga.castle.isNativeWrapper = function() {
        var result = !wooga.castle.capabilities.desktop && !wooga.castle.capabilities.android && (! /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent));
        wooga.castle.isNativeWrapper = function () {
            return result;
        return result;

With my basic JavaScript and jQuery skills I understand the single commands listed above, but I don't get why are they wrapped inside of several functions. Can't we just call:

    "use strict";

    wooga.castle.GRID_UNIT = 48;
    wooga.castle.IMAGES_BASE_URL = "images/entities/";
    var style = document.createElement('div').style,
    var candidates = {
        webkit: 'webkitTransform',
        moz:    'MozTransform', // 'M' is uppercased
        ms:     'msTransform',
        o:      'oTransform',
        '':     'transform'
    for (var prefix in candidates) {
        var candidate = candidates[prefix];
        if ('undefined' !== typeof style[candidate]) {
            wooga.castle.prefix = prefix;
            wooga.castle.prefixedTransform = candidate;

    wooga.castle.isNativeWrapper = !wooga.castle.capabilities.desktop && !wooga.castle.capabilities.android && (! /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent));
like image 389
Alexander Farber Avatar asked Jun 26 '12 14:06

Alexander Farber

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1 Answers

This is done so the code inside doesn't interfere with variables in the global scope.

For example:

var myLibrary = {};
var _privateVar = [];

Now, both of these are global. But, I don't want that. So, if I make a function, I can make a new scope.

    window.myLibrary = {}; // global
    var _privateVar = []; // private
like image 192
Rocket Hazmat Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Rocket Hazmat