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Why use Fragments? [duplicate]

What is the advantage to using Fragments over using custom Views that are reused in different layouts?

In the original blog post introducing fragments, Dianne Hackborn says that

[Fragments] make it easier for developers to write applications that can scale across a variety of screen sizes, beyond the facilities already available in the platform.

and she goes on to explain Fragments in the context of making a tablet layout for an app that combines the UI of two activities from the phone version of the same app.

But it seems that the same reuse could be achieved using custom Views. The main different between Fragments and Views seems to be that they have differing lifecycles...

The Fragment lifecycle is:

onAttach(), onCreate(), onCreateView(), onActivityCreated(), onStart(), onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), onDestroyView(), onDestroy(), onDetatch().

The View lifecycle is:

ctor, onFinishInflate(), onAttachedToWindow(), onMeasure(), onLayout(), onDetatchedFromWindow()

I'd like to hear from developers with experience writing large apps about what benefits (if any) they've seen in using Fragments vs custom Views to divide up the UI into reusable pieces.

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avh4 Avatar asked Mar 22 '12 17:03


People also ask

What is the advantage of using fragments?

The Fragment class in Android is used to build dynamic User Interfaces and should be used within the activity. The biggest advantage of using fragments is that it simplifies the task of creating UI for multiple screen sizes. An activity can contain any number of fragments.

Why we use fragments instead of activities?

A fragment has its own layout and its own behavior with its own lifecycle callbacks. You can add or remove fragments in an activity while the activity is running. You can combine multiple fragments in a single activity to build a multi-pane UI. A fragment can be used in multiple activities.

What are uses of fragments?

According to the Android documentation, a fragment is a part of applications user interface that is bound to an activity. Fragments have their lifecycle and layouts or UI components. Fragments help enrich your UI design, pass data between different screens, and adapt to different device configurations.

Are fragments faster than activity?

I do find fragments a slightly faster than activities but really its not something you would really notice in most cases. Regardless if they was intended for speed or not they still seem/feel little quicker. The downside of using fragments, is certain callbacks like onBackPressed is only in an activity.

1 Answers

The main reason is that fragments are more reusable than custom views.

Sometimes you can't create a fully encapsulated UI component relying on views alone. This is because there are things you would want to put into your view but can't because only an Activity can handle them, thus forcing tight coupling between an Activity and a View.

Here is one such example. Lets say you want to create a reusable UI component that, among many things, want to capture a photo and do something with it. Traditionally you would fire an intent that starts the camera and returns with the captured image.

Notice that your custom UI component can't fully encapsulate this functionality because it will have to rely on hosting Activity's startActivityForResult because views don't accept activity results (they can indirectly fire an intent through context).

Now if you wanted to reuse your custom UI component in different activities you would be repeating the code for Activity.startActivityForResult.

Fragment on the other hand cleanly solve this problem.

Similarly your fragment can contribute items to your options menu, something traditionally only an Activity could do. Again this could be important if the state of your custom view dictates what goes in the menu.

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numan salati Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 01:11

numan salati