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Why use finally

I never properly understood the use of the finally statement. Can anyone tell me what the difference is between:

try {     a;     block;     off;     statements; } catch (Exception e) {     handle;     exception;     e; } finally {     do;     some;     cleanup; } 

on the one hand and:

try {     a;     block;     off;     statements; } catch (Exception e) {     handle;     exception;     e; } do; some; cleanup; 

On the other

like image 966
Martijn Avatar asked Jul 28 '10 16:07


People also ask

Why would you use finally?

We generally use the finally block to execute clean up code like closing connections, closing files, or freeing up threads, as it executes regardless of an exception. Note: try-with-resources can also be used to close resources instead of a finally block.

What is finally and what is its purpose?

The finally keyword is used as a block to execute a given set of statements, whether an exception is thrown or not thrown. For example, if you open a file, it must be closed whether an exception is raised or not.

Why would you use a finally in Java?

The finally block in java is used to put important codes such as clean up code e.g. closing the file or closing the connection. The finally block executes whether exception rise or not and whether exception handled or not. A finally contains all the crucial statements regardless of the exception occurs or not.

1 Answers

They differ if

  • the try-block completes by throwing a java.lang.Throwable that is not a java.lang.Exception, for instance because it is a java.lang.Error such as AssertionError or OutOfMemoryError.
  • the try-block completes abruptly using a control flow statement such a continue, break or return
  • the catch-block completes abruptly (by throwing any throwable, or using a control flow statement)

More generally, the java language guarantees that a finally block is executed before the try-statement completes. (Note that if the try-statement does not complete, there is no guarantee about the finally. A statement might not complete for a variety of reasons, including hardware shutdown, OS shutdown, VM shutdown (for instance due to System.exit), the thread waiting (Thread.suspend(), synchronized, Object.wait(), Thread.sleep()) or being otherwise busy (endless loops, ,,,).

So, a finally block is a better place for clean-up actions than the end of the method body, but in itself, still can not guarantee cleanup exeuction.

like image 155
meriton Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10
