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Why use angularfire $destroy()?



What is the reason that $destroy() exists in Angularfire?

The documentation of angularfire sais:


Stop listening for events and free memory used by this array (empties the local copy). Changes are no longer synchronized to or from Firebase.

sync = $firebase(ref).$asArray();

Can I not just do:

sync = null


delete sync

Or should I really use $destroy() for some reason?

like image 214
Dirk Avatar asked Jan 28 '15 15:01


1 Answers

The $destroy() exists to empty the data and unbind event listeners. If you need to unbind the $firebaseArray() or $firebaseObject() you could use $destroy() but I think it would be nicer to use the unbind function that is resolved.

This was code snippet was taken from angularfire-seed

  var unbind;
  // create a 3-way binding with the user profile object in Firebase
  var profile = $firebaseObject(fbutil.ref('users', user.uid));
  profile.$bindTo($scope, 'profile').then(function(ub) { unbind = ub; });

  // expose logout function to scope
  $scope.logout = function() {
    if( unbind ) { unbind(); }
like image 106
Cory Silva Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10

Cory Silva