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Why to use DB::raw inside DB::select in Laravel?





Is it mandatory to use the function DB::raw when you are running a query and you are not using the fluent query builder in Laravel?


$result = DB::select("SELECT * FROM users");

$result2 = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT * FROM users"));

I get the same result in both cases. So why is it necessary to use DB::raw?

like image 303
Curri Avatar asked Aug 05 '15 00:08


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Here’s an example from official Laravel documentation: So, the point is that Laravel Query Builder has a lot of helpful methods, but it doesn’t restrict you from running raw SQL queries (or their parts) when needed.

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1 Answers

DB::raw() is used to make arbitrary SQL commands which aren't parsed any further by the query builder. They therefore can create a vector for attack via SQL injection.

Check this ref. link, with more details: http://fideloper.com/laravel-raw-queries

Example of DB::raw and DB::select

like image 182
Maytham Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
