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Why there's a separate MutableLiveData subclass of LiveData?

It looks like MutableLiveData differs from LiveData only by making the setValue() and postValue() methods public, whereas in LiveData they are protected.

What are some reasons to make a separate class for this change and not simply define those methods as public in the LiveData itself?

Generally speaking, is such a form of inheritance (increasing the visibility of certain methods being the only change) a well-known practice and what are some scenarios where it may be useful (assuming we have access to all the code)?

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Alexander Kulyakhtin Avatar asked Oct 18 '17 15:10

Alexander Kulyakhtin

People also ask

What is the difference between MutableLiveData and LiveData?

By using LiveData we can only observe the data and cannot set the data. MutableLiveData is mutable and is a subclass of LiveData. In MutableLiveData we can observe and set the values using postValue() and setValue() methods (the former being thread-safe) so that we can dispatch values to any live or active observers.

Is MutableLiveData thread-safe?

So, LiveData is immutable. MutableLiveData is LiveData which is mutable & thread-safe.

Which of the method will update the value inside a MutableLiveData?

While using the Main thread to change the data, you should use the setValue method of the MutableLiveData class and while using the background thread to change the LiveData, you should use the postValue method of the MutableLiveData class.

2 Answers

In LiveData - Android Developer Documentation, you can see that for LiveData, setValue() & postValue() methods are not public.

Whereas, in MutableLiveData - Android Developer Documentation, you can see that, MutableLiveData extends LiveData internally and also the two magic methods of LiveData is publicly available in this and they are setValue() & postValue().

setValue(): set the value and dispatch the value to all the active observers, must be called from main thread.

postValue() : post a task to main thread to override value set by setValue(), must be called from background thread.

So, LiveData is immutable. MutableLiveData is LiveData which is mutable & thread-safe.

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Sneh Pandya Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 02:10

Sneh Pandya

This is the whole MutableLiveData.java file:

package androidx.lifecycle; /**  * {@link LiveData} which publicly exposes {@link #setValue(T)} and {@link #postValue(T)} method.  *  * @param <T> The type of data hold by this instance */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public class MutableLiveData<T> extends LiveData<T> {     @Override     public void postValue(T value) {         super.postValue(value);     }     @Override     public void setValue(T value) {         super.setValue(value);     } } 

So yes, the difference comes only by making postValue and setValue public.

One use case that I can recall off of my head is for encapsulation using Backing Property in Kotlin. You can expose LiveData to your Fragment/Activity (UI Controller) even though you can have MutableLiveData for manipulation in your ViewModel class.

    class TempViewModel : ViewModel() {         ...         private val _count = MutableLiveData<Int>()         val count: LiveData<Int>             get() = _count         public fun incrementCount() = _count.value?.plus(1)         ...     } 

This way your UI Controller will only be able to observe values without being able to edit them. Obviously, your UI Controller can edit values using public methods of TempViewModel like incrementCount().

Note: To clarify mutable/immutable confusion -

data class User(var name: String, var age: Int)  class DemoLiveData: LiveData<User>()  var demoLiveData: LiveData<User>? = DemoLiveData()  fun main() {     demoLiveData?.value = User("Name", 23) // ERROR     demoLiveData?.value?.name = "Name" // NO ERROR     demoLiveData?.value?.age = 23  // NO ERROR } 
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Ananth Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10
