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why the kubernetes pod use the none network instead of the bridge network on the worker node?



Can someone please let me know why the kubernetes pod use the none network instead of the bridge network on the worker node?

I Setup a kubernetes cluster by use kubo.

The worker node by default will have 3 docker network.

NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER
30bbbc954768        bridge              bridge              
c8cb510d1646        host                host                
5e6b770e7aa6        none                null   

The docker default network is bridge $>docker network inspect bridge

"Options": {
        "com.docker.network.bridge.default_bridge": "true",
        "com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc": "true",

But if I use kubectl run command to start a pod

kubectl run -it --image nginx bash

on the work node there will be two container start

7cf6061fe0b8    40960efd7b8f     "nginx -g 'daemon off"   33 minutes ago      
Up 33 minutes      k8s_bash_bash-325157647-ns4xj_default_9d5ea60e-cf74-11e7-9ae8-00505686d000_2

37c51d605b16        gcr.io/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.0   "/pause"             
35 minutes ago      Up 35 minutes  k8s_POD_bash-325157647-ns4xj_default_9d5ea60e-cf74-11e7-9ae8-00505686d000_0

if we run docker inspect 37c51d605b16 we can see it will use “none”

"Networks": {
            "none": {
                "IPAMConfig": null,
                "Links": null,

So why kubernetes will use the none network for communication?

like image 327
Yixing Avatar asked Nov 22 '17 11:11


1 Answers

Kubernetes uses an overlay network to manage pod-to-pod communication on the same or different hosts. Each pod gets a single IP address for all containers in that pod. A pause container is created to hold the network namespace and thus reserve the IP address, which is useful when containers restart, as they get the same IP.

The pod has its own ethernet adapter, say eth0 which is mapped to a virtual ethernet adapter on the host say veth0xx, in the root network namespace, which in turn is connected to a network bridge docker0 or cbr0.

In my Kubernetes setup, with Project Calico as the overlay network CNI plugin, calico creates an ethernet adapter in each pod and maps it to a virtual adapter on the host (name format calic[0-9a-z]). This virtual adaptor is connected to a Linux ethernet bridge. IP table rules filter packets to this bridge and then onto the CNI plugin provider, in my case Calico which is able to redirect the packet to the correct pod.

So your containers are in the none docker network as docker networking is disabled in your Kubernetes setup, as it's using the overlay network via a CNI plugin. Kubernetes doesn't handle networking but delegates it to the underlying CNI plugin.

like image 151
Gavin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
