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Why the ember-cli is so slow


I migrated my grunt project to ember-cli, I found the time from file modification to liveload completion was so long, about 10 minutes.

After I installed ember-cli-windows, ember-cli-windows-addon, no obvious prompt was gained. The following is one example output after ember-cli-windows, ember-cli-windows-addon installed:

file changed routes\services.js

Build successful - 382781ms.

Slowest Trees                                 | Total
Babel                                         | 82175ms
Concat: Vendor                                | 75980ms
Funnel: App JS Files                          | 57393ms
JSHint app- QUnit                             | 49491ms
ES6: App Tree                                 | 41827ms

Slowest Trees (cumulative)                    | Total (avg)
Babel (2)                                     | 82394ms (41197 ms)
Concat: Vendor (1)                            | 75980ms
Funnel: App JS Files (1)                      | 57393ms
JSHint app- QUnit (1)                         | 49491ms
ES6: App Tree (1)                             | 41827ms

By contrast, the build process can be finished in 2~3 seconds in grunt project after file modification.

I use windows 7.