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Why The Action Cannot Access Secrets?

I am trying to create a workflow to deploy Nuget packages to Github Package Repository using Github Actions.

In this case,

  • The repository is inside an organization
  • I am the owner of that organization
  • I have admin access to the repository
  • The repository has secrets listed
  • The commit is mine
  • The commit is a direct commit to a branch

But the action CANNOT access the secrets


Below is the workflow I am trying to execute

name: Build and Publish
    - gh-packages
name: Publish Packages to NuGet
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
      dotnet-version: "3.0.100"
  - name: Dump Github Context
      CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }}
      SECRETS: ${{ toJson(secrets) }}
      TOK: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}
      TEST: ${{ secrets.TEST }
    run: |
      echo $ACCESS_TOKEN
      echo $TOK
      echo $TEST
      echo $GITHUB_TOKEN
      echo "$SECRETS"
      echo "$CONTEXT"
  - name: Setup Config
    run: sed "s/ACCESS_TOKEN/$ACCESS_TOKEN/g" .nuget.config > nuget.config
  - run: cat nuget.config
  - name: Build
    run: dotnet build -c Release
  - name: Publish
    run: chmod +x ./push.sh && ./push.sh

Both GITHUB_TOKEN and custom secrets like ACCESS_TOKEN are not working.

addition 01:

Even when setting the environment variable name as GITHUB_TOKEN doesn't seam to be working

name: Build and Publish
   GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


like image 668
Shanaka Rusith Avatar asked Apr 19 '20 17:04

Shanaka Rusith

1 Answers

Assuming you've passed the secret into the action:


enter image description here

Then hiding the text with *** is expected behaviour of Github actions.

As you can see, I can get (and use) the value of the environment variables, but the secrets aren't being exposed.

That's because they're secrets. The Actions output is explicitly scrubbed for secrets, and they're not displayed.

The file contents still contain the secret contents.

Printing out a secret is possible, but a very bad practice - use the following command, which evades Github's security measures to prevent secrets leaking out logs

run: echo MYSECRET | sed -e 's/\(.\)/\1 /g'
# this will print "M Y S E C R E T"

Simply replace MYSECRET with the secret you're trying to print e.g. $GITHUB_TOKEN.

See the GitHub docs for detailed instructions on secrets.

like image 123
Ben Winding Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Ben Winding