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Why symfony 2 uses both, the 'deps' file and the 'composer.json' file?



Why symfony 2 uses both, the deps file and the composer.json file?

I can see some documents tell me to:

php bin/vendors install

Whilst the other tell me to:

php composer.phar install
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User Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 15:04


People also ask

What is the use of composer JSON file?

composer. json is a JSON file placed in the root folder of PHP project. Its purpose is to specify a common project properties, meta data and dependencies, and it is a part of vast array of existing projects.

How do I get the composer JSON file?

To configure Composer for your PHP app json file specifies required packages. Verify that a composer. json file is present in the root of your git repository. Run composer install (on your local machine) to install the required packages and generate a composer.

What is root composer json?

The root package is the package defined by the composer. json at the root of your project. It is the main composer. json that defines your project requirements. Certain fields only apply when in the root package context.

1 Answers

The deps file and bin/vendors script are used in Symfony 2.0.x, while Symfony 2.1.x has switched to Composer. The bin/vendors script was just a stub because Composer was not ready for production when Symfony 2.0.0 was released.

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Elnur Abdurrakhimov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11

Elnur Abdurrakhimov