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Why Strong Params contains permitted: false

I put in a binding.pry at the top of my controller's update action. Once at that break point, I put in params[:foo_bar] to examine the params hash. Here is what I get:

<ActionController::Parameters {"utf8"=>"✓", "_method"=>"patch", "authenticity_token"=>"123==", "foobar"=><ActionController::Parameters {"barbazz_attributes"=>{"start_date"=>"08/27/2016", "end_date"=>"08/29/2016", "id"=>"89"}, "bazz_id"=>"3", "abc_id"=>"330", "bazzbazz_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"_destroy"=>"1", "city_id"=>"1669", "id"=>"26"}, "1"=>{"city_id"=>"1681", "id"=>"27"}, "2"=>{"city_id"=>"1672"}}} permitted: false>, "cat_id"=>["1", "1", "1"], "commit"=>"Update FooBar", "controller"=>"foo_bars", "action"=>"update", "id"=>"52"} permitted: false>  

I assumed permitted: false is there because I did not whitelist some attributes. I looked over the attributes and it appears to me that I did whitelist everything.

I am using Rails 5 if that happens to make any difference.

Question: What is an easy way to find out why the strong parameters are returning params: false.

like image 532
Neil Avatar asked Jun 14 '16 17:06


People also ask

What are strong params and why do we use them?

Strong Parameters, aka Strong Params, are used in many Rails applications to increase the security of data sent through forms. Strong Params allow developers to specify in the controller which parameters are accepted and used.

What is params permit in Ruby on Rails?

In Rails, strong params provide an interface for protecting attributes from the end-user assignment. We can specify required attributes and neglect unnecessary attributes to be used in the Active model mass assignment. However, in Rails 6, there was an issue with permitting nested hash with numeric keys.

How does params work in Rails?

As you might have guessed, params is an alias for the parameters method. params comes from ActionController::Base, which is accessed by your application via ApplicationController. Specifically, params refers to the parameters being passed to the controller via a GET or POST request.

Is params a hash?

While params appears to be a hash, it is actually an instance of the ActionController::Parameters class.

1 Answers

Don't access params directly with params instead use the name you gave your permitted params, for example: foobar_params.

If foobar_params is defined:

def foobar_params
  params.require(:foobar).permit ...

The easiest way is to read the source code for ActionController::Parameter, permitted = false is the default unless you call permit! to allow all, but that defeats the purpose of strong parameters.

like image 95
Leonel Galán Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Leonel Galán