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Why storing a double expression in a variable before a cast to int can lead to different results than casting it directly?

I write this short program to test the conversion from double to int:

int main() {
    int a;
    int d; 
    double b = 0.41;

    /* Cast from variable. */
    double c = b * 100.0;
    a = (int)(c);

    /* Cast expression directly. */
    d = (int)(b * 100.0);

    printf("c = %f \n", c);
    printf("a = %d \n", a);
    printf("d = %d \n", d);

    return 0;


c = 41.000000 
a = 41 
d = 40 

Why do a and d have different values even though they are both the product of b and 100?

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Jay Dao Avatar asked Jun 20 '13 18:06

Jay Dao

People also ask

Can we convert int to double in C?

The %d format specifier expects an int argument, but you're passing a double . Using the wrong format specifier invokes undefined behavior. To print a double , use %f .

Can we assign a float variable to a long integer variable?

You can safely assign a floating point variable to an integer variable, the compiler will just truncate (not round) the value. At most the compiler might give you a warning, especially if assigning from e.g. a double or bigger type.

1 Answers

The C standard allows a C implementation to compute floating-point operations with more precision than the nominal type. For example, the Intel 80-bit floating-point format may be used when the type in the source code is double, for the IEEE-754 64-bit format. In this case, the behavior can be completely explained by assuming the C implementation uses long double (80 bit) whenever it can and converts to double when the C standard requires it.

I conjecture what happens in this case is:

  • In double b = 0.41;, 0.41 is converted to double and stored in b. The conversion results in a value slightly less than .41.
  • In double c = b * 100.0000;, b * 100.0000 is evaluated in long double. This produces a value slightly less than 41.
  • That expression is used to initialize c. The C standard requires that it be converted to double at this point. Because the value is so close to 41, the conversion produces exactly 41. So c is 41.
  • a = (int)(c); produces 41, as normal.
  • In d = (int)(b * 100.000);, we have the same multiplication as before. The value is the same as before, something slightly less than 41. However, this value is not assigned to or used to intialize a double, so no conversion to double occurs. Instead, it is converted to int. Since the value is slightly less than 41, the conversion produces 40.
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Eric Postpischil Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 15:10

Eric Postpischil