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Why should you not add functionality to a JavaScript constructor but instead via prototype?

Im look at Addy Osmani's chapter on the constructor pattern: http://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/#constructorpatternjavascript and I came across the following:

function Car( model, year, miles ) {

  this.model = model;
  this.year = year;
  this.miles = miles;

  this.toString = function () {
    return this.model + " has done " + this.miles + " miles";

// Usage:

// We can create new instances of the car
var civic = new Car( "Honda Civic", 2009, 20000 );
var mondeo = new Car( "Ford Mondeo", 2010, 5000 );

// and then open our browser console to view the 
// output of the toString() method being called on 
// these objects
console.log( civic.toString() );
console.log( mondeo.toString() );

He said this was not a great thing to do with regards to the this.toString function as it isn't very optimal and isn't shared between all instances of the car type. But he doesn't explain what exactly this means and why it's a bad thing. He recommends to do the following:

function Car( model, year, miles ) {

  this.model = model;
  this.year = year;
  this.miles = miles;


// Note here that we are using Object.prototype.newMethod rather than 
// Object.prototype so as to avoid redefining the prototype object
Car.prototype.toString = function () {
  return this.model + " has done " + this.miles + " miles";

// Usage:

var civic = new Car( "Honda Civic", 2009, 20000 );
var mondeo = new Car( "Ford Mondeo", 2010, 5000 );

console.log( civic.toString() );
console.log( mondeo.toString() );

Can someone explain why using the prototype object to add in this functionality is optimal/better?

like image 603
BenM Avatar asked Sep 25 '13 13:09


People also ask

Why should a method be defined with a prototype rather than within a constructor function?

Prototype will enable us to easily define methods to all instances of the instances while saving memory. What's great is that the method will be applied to the prototype of the object, so it is only stored in the memory once, because objects coming from the same constructor point to one common prototype object.

What is the difference between constructor and prototype in JavaScript?

So what's the difference between constructor and prototype? A short answer is that the constructor is a function that is used to create an object, while the prototype is an object that contains properties and methods that are inherited by objects created from a constructor.

What is the difference between adding a method inside the constructor and adding it to the prototype?

One big difference is that methods/properties added via prototype are only stored once (objects “containing” the prototype just “reference” the method/property) whereas methods/properties added in the constructor are parsed and copied for each instance created by that constructor.

Should you use prototype in JavaScript?

There is a clear reason why you should use prototypes when creating classes in JavaScript. They use less memory. When a method is defined using this. methodName a new copy is created every time a new object is instantiated.

1 Answers

Functions (well, more generally, properties) on the prototype object are shared by all instances. That single "toString" function will remain just one solitary object no matter how many "Car" instances are made. When you do the assignment in the constructor, a new function object is created for each one.

Obviously, if each instance needs a property that may vary from those of other instances, then you need a per-instance property.

like image 97
Pointy Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09
