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Why should I choose ASP.NET Core with .Net core? [closed]

Now, I see there are two option when we create ASP.net core web application.

  • ASP.Net core Web Application with .Net Core
  • ASP.NET Core Web Application with .Net Framework

What I understand is the first one enables us to run it on any environment linux, mac, windows without having .net preinstalled.

For sure, I'm going to run my WebAPI only on Windows environment. In that case, which one I should choose? ASP.Net core Web Application with .Net Core or ASP.Net core Web Application with .Net Framework?

What is the benefit in choosing ASP.Net core Web Application with .Net Core when I'm planning to run only in Windows? I need to create new WebAPI. Dependencies is not an issue, this is going to be very simple basi web api, so i believe i can do in either of them without having any dependencies on some old component which is built on .Framework 4.6.*

Also, what is the difference between ASP.NET Core Web Application with .Net Framework and ASP.NET Web Application with .Net Framework?

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user43286 Avatar asked Sep 29 '16 16:09


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Why we choose NET Core over .NET framework?

NET Core is faster than . NET Framework because the architecture of . NET Core is written or restructured from scratch to make it a modular, lightweight, fast, and cross-platform Framework. The Applications require technologies like workflow, webforms or WCF that are not present in .

What is the difference between .NET Core and ASP.NET Core?

NET Core is a runtime. It can execute applications that are built for it. ASP.NET Core is a collection of libraries that form a Framework for building web applications. ASP.NET Core libraries can be used on both .

What is the advantage of using ASP.NET Core?

ASP.NET Core provides the following benefits: A unified story for building web UI and web APIs. Architected for testability. Razor Pages makes coding page-focused scenarios easier and more productive.

1 Answers

There are a few advantages when using .NET Core:

  1. Smaller apps because you include only the packages that you need
  2. Smaller attack area because of #1: you include only what your app actually uses
  3. Easier deployment if you go the self-contained app route
  4. (probably) Better support and upgradability long term
  5. Possibility of moving to Linux hosting in the future

The biggest disadvantage is that some NuGet packages might not work (yet) on .NET Core. Based on what your app uses, that might be the ultimate decision factor.

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Victor Hurdugaci Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 05:12

Victor Hurdugaci