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Why scala people don't like annotation?


Attribute in .NET is a very popular feature. And Java added Annotation after 1.5 Annotations are used everywhere, see Java EE and Spring. But few scala library use annotation. lift-json don't use it. lift-record don't use it. Squeryl don't use it. subcut don't use it.(it has annotation for compiler plugin) ... Just named a few.

They use annotation only when they need some compiler magic. @tailrec, @inline, @BeanProperty, @Inject(in subcut) ...

Scala has super flexible type system, trait, implicit and Menifest[X]. So they don't need runtime meta-data?

Is there any scala project use annotation heavily?

p.s. I think the Dynamic should be annotation but not trait.

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iron9light Avatar asked Dec 22 '11 20:12


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2 Answers

In general, we don't use annotations because we don't really need them for a lot of things.

The few places I've seen annotations used:

  • Extra type systems (e.g. the CPS plugin for delimited continuations or the effect tracking plugin.
  • Interfacing with legacy Java interfaces. (scala-mojo-support)
  • Enforcing/enabling compiler optimisations, like @inline or @tailrec.

In Scala, we don't really need a dependency injection framework, as there's a few ways to do dependency injection that doesn't require an external tool. You can have the DI config separate from core code, but still be written in Scala. See: https://github.com/jsuereth/scala-in-depth-source/blob/master/chapter11/src/main/scala/scalax/config/Test.scala

So the basic answer is, there's nothing wrong with annotations, we just don't need them that often (yet).

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jsuereth Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10


For me it's often an issue of compiler enforced type safety. Take a look at Squeryl and how it differs from a Java ORM like Hibernate. Where Hibernate would use an @Id annotation to denote a primary key, in Squeryl you create an id member, which is specified by the KeyedEntity trait. Methods that require an entity with a primary key (update & delete for instance) will crash loudly at compile time if one hasn't been defined. There are several other places within Squeryl where typesafe constructs replace annotations like collection mapping and date/time handling.

I think that this is a common way of thinking in the Scala community. Annotations are more of a run time feature and aren't as well regarded. The Scala compiler is very powerful and pushing more of your code into constructs it can validate makes sense for those who are willing to accept the complexity that comes along with that.

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Dave Whittaker Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10

Dave Whittaker