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Why Reactor Mono<Void> is recognized as an empty Mono?

Here is the piece of code

public void test_mono_void_mono_empty() {
        .flatMap(s -> Mono.just(s.concat("-")

that gives the following result to the console:


That means that the chain in the first flatMap was recognized as an empty one.

On the other hand Reactor has the following class MonoEmpty that is returned by a Mono.empty() method. On top of that, the method says the following:

 * Create a {@link Mono} that completes without emitting any item.
 * <p>
 * <img class="marble" src="doc-files/marbles/empty.svg" alt="">
 * <p>
 * @param <T> the reified {@link Subscriber} type
 * @return a completed {@link Mono}
public static <T> Mono<T> empty() {
    return MonoEmpty.instance();

without emitting any item - but I emitted Void typed object with then() method.

What is the explanation of that?

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Serhii Povísenko Avatar asked Dec 05 '19 13:12

Serhii Povísenko

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Mono<Void> is a type. Mono. empty() is a method invocation that returns a Mono that that completes without emitting any item.

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2 Answers

A given Mono can publish either nothing, or a single value before sending a completion signal. (It can't publish null - the reactive spec forbids it.) The generic type of the Mono denotes the type of the object that might be emitted - but there's no guarantee it will be emitted.

A Mono<Foo> for example can emit just a completion signal, or an instance of Foo and then a completion signal.

There's two common scenarios where a value may not be published - the first is if a value may or may not exist (such as searching for an item in a database or collection). In that case, you'd still use a Mono<SomeType>, and it may or may not emit a SomeType instance. The second scenario is if a value will definitely never be published (often used when you just need notification that a task has completed), and for that, by convention, Mono<Void> is always used. then(), in your above example, falls into the second case.

The reason that Mono<Void> is a special case is that, as you point out, Void is a class that can never be instantiated by design. There's therefore no such thing as an instance of Void, which means the Mono can never emit a value before its completion signal.

The logical conclusion therefore is that a publisher of type Mono<Void> can never emit a value, only a completion signal - and so it is used as such.

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Michael Berry Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

Michael Berry

Okay, the answer is in the official java doc that says The Void class is an uninstantiable placeholder class to hold a reference to the Class object representing the Java keyword void.

That means that its main idea is simply to represent the void return type as a class and contain a Class<Void> public value. That's it. Besides, it's not instantiable as the constructor is private. All of that subsequently means that the only value we can assign to a Void variable is null what always is recognized as empty Mono.

helpful discussion: Java generics void/Void types

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Serhii Povísenko Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Serhii Povísenko