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Why RavenDB reads all documents in indexing process and not only collections used by index?



I have quite large database with ~2.6 million documents where I have two collections each 1.2 million and rest are small collections (<1000 documents). When I create new index for small collection, it takes lot of time indexing to complete (so temp indexes are useless). It seems that RavenDB indexing process reads each document in DB and checks if it should be added to index. I think it would perform better to index only collections used by index.

Also when using Smuggler to export data and I want to export only one small collection, it reads all documents and exporting might take quite a lot of time. Same time custom app which uses RavenDB Linq API and indexes can export data in seconds.

Why RavenDB behaves like this? And maybe there is some configuration setting which might change this behavior?

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marisks Avatar asked Oct 04 '22 04:10


1 Answers

RavenDB doesn't actually have any real concept of a "collection". All documents are pretty much the same. It simply looks at the Raven-Entity-Name metadata in each document to determine how to group things together for purposes of querying by type and displaying the "Collections" page in the management studio.

I am not sure of the specific rationale for this. I think it has something to do with the underlying ESENT tables used by the document store. Perhaps Ayende can answer better. Your particular use cases are good examples for why it might be done differently.

One thing you could try is to use multiple databases. You could put the your large-quantity documents in one database, and put everything else in another. Of course, you may have problems with indexing related documents, multi-map/reduce, or other scenarios where documents of different types need to be together on the same database.

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Matt Johnson-Pint Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Matt Johnson-Pint