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Why prefer REST over SOAP?

If I need a web service to pass back and forth a complex object, is there a reason I should prefer SOAP over REST? Here is an example of the possible SOAP message:


Using REST, I would be asking the client to POST the following xml and authenticate using Basic Authentication:


The SOAP message is slightly more complicated, but not by much. They are still both XML, but SOAP comes with a WSDL and most programming environments will generate proxy classes for you. However, most people I talk to say I should use REST instead because it's easier to use. But I don't see how SOAP is any harder to use.

Am I missing something?

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Books Avatar asked Nov 24 '10 11:11


People also ask

Why is REST API preferred over SOAP?

REST is a better choice for simple, CRUD-oriented services, because of the way REST repurposes HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE). It is also popular because it's lightweight and has a smaller learning curve. SOAP, on the other hand, has standards for security, addressing, etc.

Does REST have better performance than SOAP?

REST is faster than SOAP because of the involvement of JSON (which is light-weight) in the request/payload of REST. Each method is processed independently in REST which is the reason why it is called “stateless” architecture.

Why REST is more scalable than SOAP?

REST also makes efficient use of bandwidth, as it's much less verbose than SOAP. Unlike SOAP, REST is designed to be stateless, and REST reads can be cached for better performance and scalability. REST supports many data formats, but the predominant use of JSON means better support for browser clients.

When should I use REST or SOAP API?

SOAP needs more bandwidth for its usage whereas REST doesn't need much bandwidth. Comparing SOAP vs REST API, SOAP only works with XML formats whereas REST work with plain text, XML, HTML and JSON. SOAP cannot make use of REST whereas REST can make use of SOAP.

2 Answers

Your first requirement of "passing back and forth a complex object" constrains your architecture to eliminate many of the benefits of REST. SOAP is designed for accessing remote objects, REST is not. REST supports passing media-types as simple as text/plain, which is far more primitive than dealing with an object.

If you haven't seen it already, this question and its answers cover most of the REST vs SOAP issues.

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Darrel Miller Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10

Darrel Miller

One major benefit of REST is that all you need to call and use it is a browser and a HTTP stack - pretty much every device and machine has that. So if ease of use and reach are you main goal - use REST.

One of the major benefits of SOAP is that you have a WSDL service description and you can pretty much discover the service automatically, and generate a useable client proxy from that service description (generate the service calls, the necessary data types for the methods and so forth).

So if discoverability and a strict, formal service description are more important to you, use SOAP (with the downside that you need a full-fledged SOAP client to call your service - your web browser won't be sufficient).

SOAP isn't harder to use - but it's just not quite as "pervasive" in terms of being available - any browser can call a REST service and get an answer - but then it needs to parse and interpret that response. SOAP gets nice data structure, but you need a SOAP client for this.

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marc_s Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10
