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Why override equals instead of using another method name



This seems like a silly question but why do we override equals method instead of creating a new method with new name and compare using it?

If I didn't override equals that means both == and equals check whether both references are pointed to same memory location?

like image 726
Lakshitha Ranasinghe Avatar asked Jan 21 '15 10:01

Lakshitha Ranasinghe

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What is the reason for overriding equals () method?

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1 Answers

This seems like a silly question but why do we override equals method instead of creating a new method with new name and compare using it?

Because all standard collections (ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, HashMap, ...) use equals when deciding if two objects are equal.

If you invent a new method these collections wouldn't know about it and not work as intended.

The following is very important to understand: If a collection such as ArrayList calls Object.equals this call will, in runtime, resolve to the overridden method. So even though you invent classes that the collections are not aware of, they can still invoke methods, such as equals, on those classes.

If I didn't override equals that means both == and equals check whether both references are pointed to same memory location?

Yes. The implementation of Object.equals just performs a == check.

like image 164
aioobe Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09
