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Why OrientDB doesn't use indexes for searching with "LIKE" operator?

I found that OrientDB is too slow (at least much slower than Neo4j) even on relatively small (150K) datasets when searching records by text pattern despite the presence of indices.

For example I have both UNIQUE and FULLTEXT indexes for the "username" property but as show below OrientDB doesn't use any.

orientdb> explain select username from P where username like 'log%'    

Profiled command '{current:#10:152060,documentReads:152061,documentAnalyzedCompatibleClass:152061,recordReads:152061,elapsed:6.5357623,resultType:collection,resultSize:88}' in 6,537000 sec(s):
  "@type": "d", "@version": 0, 
  "current": "#10:152060", 
  "documentReads": 152061, 
  "documentAnalyzedCompatibleClass": 152061, 
  "recordReads": 152061, 
  "elapsed": 6.5357623, 
  "resultType": "collection", 
  "resultSize": 88, 
  "@fieldTypes": "documentReads=l,documentAnalyzedCompatibleClass=l,recordReads=l,elapsed=f"

It there any way to speed up pattern search in OrientDB?

like image 794
Mitch Sitin Avatar asked Jan 28 '13 15:01

Mitch Sitin

1 Answers

In order to use the full-text index you should use the containstext operator, like:

explain select username from P where username containstext 'log'

or try this one:

 explain select username from P where username >= 'log' and username < 'loh'
like image 84
Lvca Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
