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Why NSArray does not have a firstObject method? [closed]

But it does have a lastObject, anybody know why?

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zchenah Avatar asked Oct 25 '12 08:10


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1 Answers

My guess is because lastObject reduces more boilerplate code. You use [array lastObject] to replace either [array objectAtIndex:array.count - 1] or array[array.count - 1] using modern Objective-C syntax.

Whereas in the case of firstObject you can simply check [array objectAtIndex:0] or array[0]. It just helps streamline things to be able to call lastObject instead of typing out that function.


As @Nathaniel Symer suggested in his comment above, firstObject has previously been available but only in private API (I believe since iOS 4). However, as of the release of the iOS 7 SDK, firstObject is now publicly available!

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Mick MacCallum Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 21:11

Mick MacCallum