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Why no partial function type literal?

I wonder why there doesn't exist a literal for partial function types. I have to write

val pf: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
  case 5 => "five"

where an literal like :=> would be shorter:

val pf: Int :=> String = {
  case 5 => "five"

Partial functions are often used and in Scala already some "special" feature, so why no special syntax for it?

like image 795
kiritsuku Avatar asked Mar 15 '12 23:03


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(definition) Definition: A function which is not defined for some inputs of the right type, that is, for some of a domain. For instance, division is a partial function since division by 0 is undefined (on the Reals).

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1 Answers

Probably in part because you don't need a literal: you can always write your own :=> as a type infix operator if you want more concise syntax:

scala> type :=>[A, B] = PartialFunction[A, B]
defined type alias $colon$eq$greater

scala> val pf: Int :=> String = { case 5 => "five" }
pf: :=>[Int,String] = <function1>

scala> pf.isDefinedAt(0)
res0: Boolean = false

scala> pf.isDefinedAt(5)
res1: Boolean = true

I'm not one of the designers of the Scala language, though, so this is more or less a guess about the "why?". You might get better answers over at the scala-debate list, which is a more appropriate venue for language design questions.

like image 69
Travis Brown Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09

Travis Brown