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Why must vue component data be a function?


I am reading up on Vue components, and find their explanation of why data needs to be a function somewhat confusing:

The root instance

var vm = new Vue({   el: '#example',   data: {     message: 'here data is a property'   } }) 

A component

var vm = new Vue({   el: '#example',   data: function () {      return {        counter: 0      }   } }) 

The Vue docs explain this difference by assigning a global counter variable to each component, and then they act surprised that each component shares that same data... Also they don't explain why they already use a function here.

var data = { counter: 0 }  Vue.component('simple-counter', {   template: '<div>{{ counter }}</div >',   data: function () {     return data     } }) 

Of course the data is shared now

<simple-counter></simple-counter> <simple-counter></simple-counter> <simple-counter></simple-counter> 

When you reference a global object as your data source, it's no surprise that the components don't have their own data. That is also true for root Vue instances that have data as a property.

var mydata = { counter: 0 }  var vm1 = new Vue({   el: '#example1',   data: mydata })  var vm2 = new Vue({   el: '#example2',   data: mydata }) 

So I'm still left with the question why a component can't have a data property?

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Kokodoko Avatar asked Oct 19 '17 09:10


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1 Answers

From my understanding of this, It's to save memory

Many frameworks, such as Angular 2 or, (at times) React, make each instance of a component a separate object. This means that everything each component needs is initialized for every component. Normally though, you really only need to keep a component’s data separate for each initialization. Methods and such stay the same.

Vue avoids that pitfall by having data be a function that returns an object. That allows separate components to have separate internal state without needing to fully re-instantiate the entire component. Methods, computed property definitions, and lifecycle hooks are created and stored only once, and run against every instance of a component.

See this

like image 141
Samuel James Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09

Samuel James