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Why Mongo Spark connector returns different and incorrect counts for a query?

I'm evaluating Mongo Spark connector for a project and I'm getting the inconsistent results. I use MongoDB server version 3.4.5, Spark (via PySpark) version 2.2.0, Mongo Spark Connector version 2.11;2.2.0 locally on my laptop. For my test DB I use the Enron dataset http://mongodb-enron-email.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ I'm interested in Spark SQL queries and when I started to run simple test queries for count I received different counts for each run. Here is output from my mongo shell:

> db.messages.count({'headers.To': '[email protected]'})

Here are some output from my PySpark shell:

In [1]: df = spark.read.format("com.mongodb.spark.sql.DefaultSource").option("uri", "mongodb://").load()
In [2]: df.registerTempTable("messages")
In [3]: res = spark.sql("select count(*) from messages where headers.To='[email protected]'")
In [4]: res.show()
|     162|
In [5]: res.show()
|     160|
In [6]: res = spark.sql("select count(_id) from messages where headers.To='[email protected]'")
In [7]: res.show()
|       161|
In [8]: res.show()
|       162|

I searched in Google about this issue but I didn't find anything helpful. If someone has any ideas why this could happen and how to handle this correctly please share your ideas. I have a feeling that maybe I missed something or maybe something wasn't configured properly.

UPDATE: I solved my issue. The reason of inconsistent counts was the MongoDefaultPartitioner which wraps MongoSamplePartitioner which uses random sampling. To be honest this is quite a weird default as for me. I personally would prefer to have a slow but a consistent partitioner instead. The details for partitioner options can be found in the official configuration options documentation.

UPDATE: Copied the solution into an answer.

like image 978
artemdevel Avatar asked Oct 09 '17 17:10


1 Answers

I solved my issue. The reason of inconsistent counts was the MongoDefaultPartitioner which wraps MongoSamplePartitioner which uses random sampling. To be honest this is quite a weird default as for me. I personally would prefer to have a slow but a consistent partitioner instead. The details for partitioner options can be found in the official configuration options documentation.


val df = spark.read
  .option("uri", "mongodb://")
  .option("partitioner", "spark.mongodb.input.partitionerOptions.MongoPaginateBySizePartitioner ")
like image 137
artemdevel Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 00:12
