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Why 'Missing Key-Pair-Id query parameter or cookie value'

I am trying use signed url to serve S3 bucket as private content via AWS cloudfront.

However I keep getting this error 'Missing Key-Pair-Id query parameter or cookie value'

Missing Key-Pair-Id query parameter or cookie value

Here is an example url


I have verified that I do not have any invalid characters ('+', '=', '/') in the signature.

And Key-Pair-Id is clearly present in the signed url.

My questions:

1) my-test-key is created using my IAM. Is it a problem?

2) Is it a must to provide a policy in a signed url?

3) Do I need to grant any permission to the object TestContent/test.html to the OAI?


If I change the Key-Pair-Id value to something else, I will get a different error message

<Message>Unknown Key</Message>

So apparently Key-Pair-Id is accepted by aws cloudfront.

like image 879
Anthony Kong Avatar asked Apr 21 '15 22:04

Anthony Kong

2 Answers

You have to use CloudFront specific key pairs. More information on how to download or upload your own public key:



like image 73
imperalix Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11


1) my-test-key should not be created under IAM. You need to login to the root account and go to "My Security Credentials" menu under your account-name. Expand "CloudFront Key Pairs" and create new one. Download Private Key file.

enter image description here

2) It is a must to include a policy in the url, but it should be encrypted. Refer to the section "Creating a Policy Statement for a Signed URL That Uses a Custom Policy". http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/private-content-creating-signed-url-custom-policy.html

3) No, it shouldn't be granted for any public access. Just have a bucket policy so that your server url is allowed to request a get or any method.

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R.Cha Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11
