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Why margin:auto doesn't work? [duplicate]


I want to center my element but when I use

margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; 

it doesn't work!

this is my html

<section id="t">     <article class="tc">Hi</article>     <article class="tc">Hi agian!</article> </section> 

and this is my css:

#t {     margin-left: auto;     margin-right: auto;     margin-top:10px; } .tc {     margin-left: auto;     margin-right: auto;     width: 600px;     display: inline;     border-style: solid;     border-width:1px; } 

and you can see the result here.

Can anybody help me?

like image 697
ahmadali shafiee Avatar asked Feb 07 '13 16:02

ahmadali shafiee

People also ask

Why margin auto does not work?

margin: auto; , it will not work. This is because by default the block-level elements such as a div, p, list, etc take up the full width of its parent element, and no space is left to adjust the element horizontally. So, the very first thing you need to check is whether you have set the width of the element or not.

What happens when margin is set to auto?

The auto Value You can set the margin property to auto to horizontally center the element within its container. The element will then take up the specified width, and the remaining space will be split equally between the left and right margins.

Is Auto a valid value for margins?

The margin property may be specified using one, two, three, or four values. Each value is a <length> , a <percentage> , or the keyword auto . Negative values draw the element closer to its neighbors than it would be by default.

What is needed for margin 0 Auto to work?

The element must be block-level, e.g. display: block or display: table. The element must not float. The element must not have a fixed or absolute position.

1 Answers

margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; 

would not effect the element width display:inline.

If your want it works, you should give a fixed width, and set display:block or display:inline-block.

like image 129
pktangyue Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
