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Why is tightly coupled bad but strongly typed good?

I am struggling to see the real-world benefits of loosely coupled code. Why spend so much effort making something flexible to work with a variety of other objects? If you know what you need to achieve, why not code specifically for that purpose?

To me, this is similar to creating untyped variables: it makes it very flexible, but opens itself to problems because perhaps an unexpected value is passed in. It also makes it harder to read, because you do not explicitly know what is being passed in.

Yet I feel like strongly typed is encouraged, but loosely coupling is bad.

EDIT: I feel either my interpretation of loose coupling is off or others are reading it the wrong way. Strong coupling to me is when a class references a concrete instance of another class. Loose coupling is when a class references an interface that another class can implement.

My question then is why not specifically call a concrete instance/definition of a class? I analogize that to specifically defining the variable type you need. I've been doing some reading on Dependency Injection, and they seem to make it out as fact that loose coupling better design.

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JLX Avatar asked Oct 30 '10 05:10


People also ask

Why a tightly coupled concept is bad to be implemented?

In general, Tight Coupling is bad in but most of the time, because it reduces flexibility and re-usability of code, it makes changes much more difficult, it impedes test ability etc. loose coupling is a better choice because A loosely coupled will help you when your application need to change or grow.

Is tight or loose coupling better?

In a nutshell, loose coupling in Java is much better as compared to tight coupling. It provides better flexibility and reusability of code. As the two classes are independent of each other, it makes changes in the code very easy. It also provides better testability.

What are the benefits of tight coupling?

A major advantage of a tightly coupled architecture is that it enables the rapid and efficient processing of large volumes of data, provides a single point of truth instead of several, often redundant, data sources, and enables open access to data throughout the organization.

What is meant by tightly coupled?

Tightly-coupled software means routines (modules, programs) that work in only one type of system and are dependent upon each other. For example, an operating system depends on its drivers to activate a peripheral device. Such drivers would require extensive programming changes to work in another environment.

2 Answers

You're right that loose coupling is almost universally considered "good" in programming. To understand why, let's look at one definition of tight coupling:

You say that A is tightly coupled to B if A must change just because B changed.

This is a scale that goes from "completely decoupled" (even if B disappeared, A would stay the same) to "loosely coupled" (certain changes to B might affect A, but most evolutionary changes wouldn't), to "very tightly coupled" (most changes to B would deeply affect A).

In OOP we use a lot of techniques to get less coupling - for example, encapsulation helps decouple client code from the internal details of a class. Also, if you depend on an interface then you don't generally have to worry as much about changes to concrete classes that implement the interface.

On a side note, you're right that typing and coupling are related. In particular, stronger and more static typing tend to increase coupling. For example, in dynamic languages you can sometimes substitute a string for an array, based on the notion that a string can be seen as an array of characters. In Java you can't, because arrays and strings are unrelated. This means that if B used to return an array and now returns a string, it's guaranteed to break its clients (just one simple contrived example, but you can come up with many more that are both more complex and more compelling). So, stronger typing and more static typing are both trade-offs. While stronger typing is generally considered good, favouring static versus dynamic typing is largely a matter of context and personal tastes: try setting up a debate between Python programmers and Java programmers if you want a good fight.

So finally we can go back to your original question: why is loose coupling generally considered good? Because of unforeseen changes. When you write the system, you cannot possibly know which directions it will eventually evolve in two months, or maybe two hours. This happens both because requirements change over time, and because you don't generally understand the system completely until after you've written it. If your entire system is very tightly coupled (a situation that's sometimes referred to as "the Big Ball of Mud"), then any change in every part of the system will eventually ripple through every other part of the system (the definition of "very tight coupling"). This makes for very inflexible systems that eventually crystallize into a rigid, unmaintanable blob. If you had 100% foresight the moment you start working on a system, then you wouldn't need to decouple.

On the other hand, as you observe, decoupling has a cost because it adds complexity. Simpler systems are easier to change, so the challenge for a programmer is striking a balance between simple and flexible. Tight coupling often (not always) makes a system simpler at the cost of making it more rigid. Most developers underestimate future needs for changes, so the common heuristic is to make the system less coupled than you're tempted to, as long as this doesn't make it overly complex.

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Paolo Perrotta Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Paolo Perrotta

The question is right to point out that weak/dynamic typing is indeed a logical extension of the concept of loose coupling, and it is inconsistent for programmers to favor one but not the other.

Loose coupling has become something of a buzzword, with many programmers unnecessarily implementing interfaces and dependency injection patterns -- or, more often than not, their own garbled versions of these patterns -- based on the possibility of some amorphous future change in requirements. There is no hiding the fact that this introduces extra complexity and makes code less maintainable for future developers. The only benefit is if this anticipatory loose coupling happens to make a future change in requirements easier to implement, or promote code reuse. Often, however, requirements changes involve enough layers of the system, from UI down to storage, that the loose coupling doesn't improve the robustness of the design at all, and makes certain types of trivial changes more tedious.

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Jordan Rieger Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09

Jordan Rieger