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Why is throw an expression?



The following post discusses the type of a throw expression: In C++, if throw is an expression, what is its type?. I would like to clarify a more basic thing: why should throw be an expression and not a (non-expression) statement just like return in the first place? I mean, would anyone want to write something like auto x = throw std::runtime_error("Error message")?

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AlwaysLearning Avatar asked Jul 03 '15 07:07


1 Answers

If throw were a statement you couldn't use it with the conditional operator.

return success()
    ? computation()
    : throw std::runtime_error("oops");

Note : this may or may not have uses outside code obfuscation.

Edit : one useful case is inside C++11's strict constexpr functions which can only contain one instruction. Thanks @dyp for the insight !

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Quentin Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
